Living Boldy Normal. Digitial Creations. Artificial Intelligence. Life 3.0.
I finally did it. I registered for the domain Normal Like Peter. I setup the website, configured a bunch of techy settings and have begun uploading the media files to the webserver. What am I doing? I’m going to start living my life with my wings soaring. Life is my sandbox, I only get one playthrough, and I’m going to live it Normal Like Peter.
What is Normal Like Peter? It’s a story about playing the Infinite Game. A living story of how empathic ruptures can be repaired, about learning to love oneself and be a person.
This is my sandbox website to author my story, share my thoughts, and just be me. Me… It’s ok to be me.
This is a live website used for technical demonstration by showing a real example of how I use the technology I recommend. Need a website? If you have a business, it’s not an option, you need one.
Creator of Normal like Peter. AI, Technology, Digitial creations.
Playing the Infinite Game. Living Passionately Normal.
Follow me on social media.