Living Boldy Normal. Digitial Creations. Artificial Intelligence. Life 3.0.

Time to FLY - Normal like Peter seeds into the universe.


I finally did it. I registered for the domain Normal Like Peter. I setup the website, configured a bunch of techy settings and have begun uploading the media files to the webserver. What am I doing? I’m going to start living my life with my wings soaring. Life is my sandbox, I only get one playthrough, and I’m going to live it Normal Like Peter.

What is Normal Like Peter? It’s a story about playing the Infinite Game. A living story of how empathic ruptures can be repaired, about learning to love oneself and be a person.

This is my sandbox website to author my story, share my thoughts, and just be me. Me… It’s ok to be me.

This is a live website used for technical demonstration by showing a real example of how I use the technology I recommend. Need a website? If you have a business, it’s not an option, you need one.

Picture of Matt Stoltz

Matt Stoltz

Creator of Normal like Peter. AI, Technology, Digitial creations.

Playing the Infinite Game. Living Passionately Normal.
Follow me on social media.